It's unbelievable the level of pain and discomfort that this stupid caffeine withdrawal is causing me. Since my last entry I haven't been able to think about anything else. It seems that no matter where I look, there is some sort of caffeine temptation screaming my name. Chocolate, coffee, tea, Iced Tea, colas. They're everywhere!
My head is freakin' killing me. My eyes feel like I've been in a heavily chlorinated swimming pool all day. The slightest task requires an effort that is indescribable.
I've gone through all sorts of head games with myself trying to rationalize having some kind of caffeinated substance
"Caffeine isn't really that bad for you if you do it in moderation."
"Maybe I can just cut down a little bit more each week"
I'm using this addiction's own strength against it though. I'm taking an objective look at all the discomfort that it's causing me, and it's making me realize that I don't have a clue what normal feels like. If I've never really felt this kind of incredible withdrawal, then I've never really not been jacked up on caffeine. And knowing what it's doing to my body is a huge motivation to get through the next couple of days and be done with it for good.
I've quit more than a few substances in my time, and next to smoking, this one is the worst. But I beat smoking, and I'll beat this one too.
On a sidenote; I probably would have cracked if I hadn't publicly announced that I was quitting.
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