I had a great conversation the other night with some friends from high school. One good friend in particular is in to yoga, and the conversation eventually turned to the metaphysical.
We talked about oneness, and from there she talked about being in the zone. That strange sensation where you're doing without thinking, when your moves seem almost guided. I told her that's one of the things that I love most about being the leader of a high volume culinary team. Our whole team can function like that at times, moving as one perfect machine in complete and perfect harmony. I also told her that when I meditate or run, I recreate that sensation by visualizing that symbiotic harmony, that symbiote rhythm, and before I know it, I'm in the zone. The more often that I do it, the easier it seems to fall into.
For me it goes beyond being in the zone. It becomes an affirmation that I'm more than just a man, or perhaps less, depending on your perspective. I'm definitely a part of something greater than myself, greater than my team, greater than my nation. Like a drop of water is a part of the Ocean, I'm part of the great cosmic 'is', an integral part of the universe. An ocean can't be an ocean without drops of water, the universe can't be the universe without lot of Andys. And I have the choice in life to live in harmony with that universe, as a symbiote, or I have the choice to rail and rally against it.
In harmony with whatever it might be that we're a part of, one has the sense of being in the zone more often than not. Some call it a state of grace. Others call it enlightenment. In one of my favorite films of all time, it's described as living in a state of constant total amazement. It's a state of mind beyond the traditional illusory views of good and evil, beyond the traditional views of happiness and success. I believe that this state of perfect harmony is really the utmost goal one can aspire to.
I also believe that railing against the universe is not only futile, but deadly. If one is in fact a part of this great magnificent thing, like a cell or a symbiote, then railing against it can have only one result really. This great thing will come to react to you the way any organism or delicate system would react. It will see you as a malignant cell and do its best to eradicate you. The same goes for acting against the greater interests of mankind, of nature, of the universe. Some people call it karma, or a belief that what goes around comes around. Others talk about attracting success. Buddha said that "With our thoughts we make the world." Whatever the case, people that recognize this seem to get more enjoyment out of life, and people that don't tend to spiral into their own bitterness and misery.
For me, I'm recognizing more and more everyday that I get out of life, out of relationships, out of work, exactly what I put into them. And I try to take a little time everyday to find a quiet spot, and just tune into that harmonious buzz of all things that's always going on. It reminds me that not only am I and my problems infinitely small in comparison to time and space and everything, but at the same time I'm a part of and therefore one with the infinity of time and space and everything.
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