I'm looking forward to tomorrow. According to the forecast it's going to 'feel like' -37 in the morning. I prefer the feel like temperature as opposed to the actual temperature. I have a difficult time being objective at the best of time, but the weather is one area that I view with skewed perception more so than others.
So why so happy about a normally hideous weather outlook? I have the day off tomorrow, and I discovered Saskatoon's best kept secret a few weeks ago. The Lakewood Civic Center swimming pool bills itself as housing a 'spacious tropical pool'. What it keeps on the D.L. however is the fact that it has a wall of windows along it's entire Southern exposure. Poolside there are big sun loungers, all facing the pool for relaxing parents. I discovered a few weeks ago that you can turn the chairs towards the windows in the afternoon and lay back in the sun for hours in the middle of winter, eyes closed, brain basking in the hot red glow of sun on eyelids. My first time there a man about my age pulled up a seat beside me and said "Feels great doesn't it?" He then proceeded to tell me that it was possible to get a sunburn in the space of an hour if you weren't careful. It was a ritual of his to make it there once or twice a week.
So ever since booking this day off I've been praying that tomorrow will be sunny and freezing, and now it looks like I'll get my wish.
I've been joking with the guys at work that I'll sneak in half a dozen Coronas with me.
When the lifeguard comes up to harass me I'll ask what the hell a Saskatoon Leisure Services employee is doing in Puerto Vallarta? Then I will demand 'mas cervezas' and when they protest I'll snap a quick "Vamos, andale!" at them.
The plan is this: shades, Jimmy Buffet, headphones and a slurpee.
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