Monday, April 7, 2008

Gettin' my Hardtail on the Trail.

Here's something you didn't know about me. I really like trail riding. Ever since I was a little kid I've been an 'enthusiast'
When I was younger I had a BMX and my friends and I would head out to the riverbank trails and go nuts. It was as much fun as riding a rollercoaster. Most of the time I was behind the rest of the group, I was a little neurotic and overcautious. Since those days I've flirted back and forth with trail riding. I'm a little ashamed to say that the last time that I did anything close to trail riding was probably about 4 years ago in Calgary. I lived a block away from Nose Hill, and I rediscovered the passion for a time there.
But this week I'll be getting my mountain bike out on the road again. It's in the shop right now getting a full tune up and a couple of minor but necessary repairs. And then it's party time! I discovered a great link today. It's a listing of trails in Saskatoon. I was shocked at how many of these trails I wasn't aware of. I'd always considered myself a little bit of an expert on the river trails, but I guess I have a lot to learn.

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