Thursday, November 26, 2009

I Don't Get Loneliness.

I remember it like a sickness. When I was in my teens I was terrified of loneliness. The idea of sitting alone had a horror and a sadness to it that's difficult to define.
Around the age of 22 I realized that this fear was crippling me. It made me needy, and there is little in this world more pitiful than a person that literally needs another for sanity. I chose to become comfortable with myself.
It started with reading all kinds of philosophy texts, the classics mainly, like Nietzche and Kant. From there I discovered the existentialists; Dostoevsky, Sartre, Camus. Somehow that led me to Henry Miller, who in turn led me to Eastern philosophy.
I came to embrace solitude. So much so that I actually began to prefer it over company. Still do as a matter of fact. I think that I have felt lonesome perhaps 3 times in the past 10 years, mainly when I'm away from my family for more than a week at a time. And then it's not loneliness so much as homesickness.
Being a complete neurotic as well as a hermit however makes me wonder if this preference for alone time is healthy or not. It's not that I'm anti-social. More that I'm pro-solitude if that makes any sense. Is that such a bad thing?