Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I'm All Out of Love.

Maybe it's the rain. Maybe it's the time of year. Maybe it's because I'm here and my wife and kids are home and school's starting and my boy is sick and I'm 1000 miles away. Whatever it is the magic isn't here this time. I passed on the urge to slip into old ghost mode and haunt the halls of my old West End memories this time. I hit the skytrain and it was a pain in the ass to be honest. The shopping downtown is just downtown shopping.
Cursing my way through the wet coast rain I didn't hear the refrains of Miles Davis drifting in the seedy alleys of my boarded up nostalgia that I used to. That slightly bad ass feeling of being down and out and cold and wet was noticeably absent. More than anything I was just cold and wet.
Somewhere there were vague memories of enjoying the rain and the cold and the dark because there was always dry and warm and neon light to be had in my favorite rainy day go-to places. But the memories were too vague...more an intangible wisp like a sensation you think you might remember from a dream.
What I found today was that I miss my home, as lacking in glamor as it is. I miss my family. I miss my friendly cat curling up with me the moment I lay down and my mean cat hissing at me with a swat the moment I walk by. I miss my ridiculous vehicles and my longboard.
There was something that did make me smile today. You can still get a giant slice of pizza for 1.50 all over the place. They're even billing it as 'Vancouver Style' now. I think that means 6 hours of old with toppings more implied than employed :)