Monday, April 27, 2009

Horror Show.

I don't deal too well with death, even if it comes in slow and waving and gentle the way it did with my cat. As someone who has decided firmly to be immortal, the obstinate and unrelenting insistence of death is highly disconcerting. I can't ever remember having a good time where death was concerned, except for pre-conception, when I was just a small void in the big void and none of this death anxiety ever concerned me.
Here's the thing. My mom died a few years back. I didn't really like my mom very much, but my dad did, and that was important. They gave her a choice before she died. 'You can hold to your present course and die soon, or let us saw off your foot and you might buy a few months, buy a few years, or still die soon.' She chose to die. At the time this song was big on the folk station that I use to put on when every one had left the bar I was managing at the time. Now it pops into my head whenever I face a loss.

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