Thursday, April 1, 2010

39 Winters Rant.

The build up to this rant really began about 2 weeks ago. Nevertheless it's been an omnipresent irritation for a long time now.
Here's the deal.
Chronologically I'm pushing 40. Now whether it's arrested adolescence, Peter Pan syndrome or simply a deep seated joie de vivre, I do not behave like a 40 year old.
Most of the people that I work with are in their 20s and I relate to them quite well. In fact, I think it would be safe to say that most of them are more mature than I am. They all work with me day in and day out and I think they know me well enough to realize that I'm not going through some midlife crisis. I think they know that I genuinely have never had my enthusiasm for silliness dampened or lost. Other 40ish acquaintances of mine like to rib me about my leisure activities. They seem to think that biking and skateboarding are ridiculous notions and attempts to gain back some kind of youth. I have nothing to gain back however. I never gave up these kind of pursuits at any point. I never made the attempt to grow up and be responsible that they did.
The people that know me best know that I'm a big kid, with a big kid's enthusiasm for pretty much anything fun, and a big kid's disdain for anything not fun.
So on to the past couple of weeks. I'm in Vancouver, looking for a new MP3 player for Janet, and absolutely refusing to buy into another Apple device. In a glass case behind the counter they had an MP3 player by Sony called a Wearable Walkman. I asked the clerk if I could see 'that walkman thingy' and some jerk next to me laughed and said 'you're showing your age'. Initially I thought he was making fun of me using the term thingy, but then I realized he thought I was calling all MP3 players 'walkmans'. I showed him the package and asked for his thoughts on it and when he saw that it actually was a "Walkman" he got a little sheepish.
Fast forward to one week later (or skip to the next track I should say.) Janet and I are in the store and I see a Wii game out of the corner of my eye that I thought the kids would like, called Sega Superstars Tennis. I asked Janet to hand me the Sega game, and she laughed at me and said "It's a WII game, not a Sega game,we don't have a Sega!" and then she made a comment about me getting old and mixing up my decades. I pointed out that Sega still produces software, although they don't produce consoles anymore and asked her again to pass me the Sega game.
Now to wrap up this little rant. I don't feel old. I have more energy than I had when I was 18, I'm in better shape than I was when I was 18, I don't feel that I gave up any of my youth to become an adult. In fact trying to fit into the adult world of responsibilities and commitments is and always has been a monumental struggle for me. The only time that I do feel even close to 40, is when somebody comments on my behaviour, interests etc as being for someone younger. Screw that.

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