Monday, April 28, 2014

The Sublime Anarchy of the Skater's Rebel Heart

Visualtraveling - Meet The Stans from Patrik Wallner on Vimeo.

I tend to romanticize my outlaw ways. I'm more of a scoff-law really. Little more than a wanna-be anarchist. My illegal activities are minor. I ignore traffic rules when it's safe to do so and won't affect others, I bend a LOT of rules, find the limits of tensile strength in regulations and wiggle them a little looser. I advocate for illegal substances. The personal autonomy, the sublime anarchy is a big part of longboarding's appeal for me. I defy gravity, physics, traffic, obstacles, safety concerns. It's a flow activity that lets me surf the ever wavering periphery of danger, an edge vibrating with the gentle blur of a resonating Motorhead bass note. But I am really nothing. My imagination creates most of the thrill for me. These guys are the real deal. They are defying convention, prejudices, governments, traditions, status quos and static woes. By introducing the sublime anarchy of skate culture to rigid societies such as these, they are 'natural born world shakers' true to the rebel heart of Cool Hand Luke.

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