Saturday, May 10, 2014

Hopeless Romantic in 4 Low

I am a hopeless romantic, but not in the traditional sense. I like the romance of solitude. I find untold satisfaction in getting away from it all. When I was young it was my heart's desire to travel the world, see all it's most exciting places, meet as many people as I could. These days I'm more about decompressing. I don't care for the things of man anymore. I prefer forests, oceans, rivers, deserts and clear mountain mornings as a cowboy once said. It's not that I'm a misanthropist by any means. I like people, I like friends and beer and good times and I love my girl. There are times, when the world comes in too close for too long, that fresh air, peaceful thoughts and a good sunset are all I need or want. All of my spare time activities are centered around activities that provide me this escape into meditative self. Running and longboarding are the obvious ones, but not quite so obvious is the romance of my Jeep. My Jeep is nothing special as far as Jeeps go. It's old, it's beat up, it could use some TLC cosmetically. But I keep it up, and it serves me well. There is a romance between man and machine, and when I'm working on my Jeep, alone in the garage with some soul feeding music going, I'm easily in as much a Zen state as any monk might be. Yet even more so, there is little in this world that compares to pulling over, way off the road, middle of nowhere with the sun going down and just digging it. The pics below are a celebration of that feeling I get when the moment is absolutely perfect, when the sky is on fire and the sun casts a bright campfire glow over everything it touches. When the air is still hot and the shadows are cool and the color saturation has been cranked to max all around; bluer blues, oranges flirting on the periphery of red, reds with a grenadine sweetness to them and the stars creeping in like cats from the cold in the dark spots on the horizon. Here's to summertime and the inimitable Jeep.

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